Thursday, October 24, 2013

In the Chilean Dictatorship many thing was censure… one of this thing was the music.

The music is a form of expression, therefore the people listening music that it speak about than they think or want say.
For the Chilean Dictatorship many singer and bands was censure, because of that his songs were against off than imposed the authority, consequently the people who were in disagreement at the Dictatorship, they felt represented and they saw in the letter a form of protest.
Lamentably many singer were considerate leader of opinion, because his music was revolutionary, fighting against dictatorship, against oppression, and was in favor of democracy and social equality; therefore they were tortured as Tito Fernandez (to who his nails were took out) or killed as Victor Jara (who death detainee at the Estadio Nacional) or exiled as Quilapayún (who lived in France during the dictatorship)
Today many music of this period is listening and sing as a hymn for young and student, who the sing in chorus in march. This proof that in spite of suffered censorship, his voice not were silenced

I leave this interesting song of time for you to head

See you!!!^.^


  1. Victor Jara lives in the memory the people forever

  2. Beautiful video... Victor Jara it's amazing... a very brave man

  3. For that i see Victor Jara is a Icon in this theme
