Friday, November 22, 2013


In general the internet has allowed that the people learn about environmentally friendly practices, but really little people practices this action. In my case I not know many and I live with my mother therefore for me is difficult make something.

In my family not to be habits of recycling, only we interest of take care of the water, not to use many sack of plastic or give the clothes that we not used, but I think that we can make more as to divide the litter and recycling the paper, piece of glass, and product vegetable as peel.

Personally I love walk and I hate the transport public, therefore if I know that it are distance short I prefer use my legs, I not speak about the bike or car because not have, but I think that I will prefer the bike, it is good for my and the environment.

I would like to be part of Greenpeace, because I think that it is great that they maked, but for time and money I not can, but I wish someday make them.

Really I don’t know what more I would like do, but I think that the important is protect the environment with little details as plant a tree or plant in general.

In my opinion our society not haves environmental awareness, I think that Santiago should have more green areas, bikeways, an program of recycling, and to work this topic from the school. I see kindergarten with a program educational environmental where the child not are part.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Endangered Animals in Chile

In the world there are many endangered animal, due to the destruction of his habitat or to the hunt. There are around 10 endangered species in Chile, for example:

Huemul, this animal belong to the family of the deer, it live in at “Cordillera de los Andres” and it is a symbolize of the country considering that we can see in the national shield but it is threatened for the poaching, the attack of domestic dog, the shepherding intensive for large periods, the transmission of infirmity for the domestic cattle and the loss of the habitat for cause human.

Zorro Chilote, it is the fox more little that live in Chile, it live in Chiloe and at “Cordillera de Nahuelbuta”. It is threatened for the loss and destruction of his habitat and the hunt of farmer for “protect” his animals.

Chinchilla Cordillerana, it is a little rodent that live in at “Cordillera de los Andes” in the north. This animal is hunt for his leather.

Zorro Culpeo, this fox live in mountains, meadow, desert and forest from Ecuador for “la Cordillera de los Andes” until Tierra del Fuego in Chile. This animal is hunted and envenomed for his leather or for the “threat“ that represent for the cattle.

For protect the endangered species in Chile exist some group like GREENPEACE CHILE, SOPRAMA, CODEFF, SAG, CONAF, REFUGIO ANIMAL CASCADA DE LAS ANIMAS, etc.

See you!!!